Saturday, December 22, 2007

Winner of Day 5 EntreCard Contest

I'm sure the Holiday season crunch time is upon you all. Good luck with the last minute shopping if you are a procrastinator like me. As for me I've finally found most of the plugins I need, but still looking for an adequate Wordpress theme to switch to after this contest is done with. Anyways on to today's winner:

The winner for today's Entrecard Contest is Egon from Contest U. I'll be sending you credits after I am done with the post so please do take a moment to verify that you have received them from me.

The next two weeks I have quite a busy work schedule in addition to porting over all the blog posts from blogger. Hope it can all be imported in a day or so. Have fun, and don't forget the grand prize drawing is on the 25th. Enter now if you haven't yet, and don't forget to drop off a card/comment to claim your entry.

[Have posts e-mailed to you by signing up to Mitch at Money News]


Anonymous said...

if you are going to WP you can import the whole blog, all posts and all comments in about three mouse clicks plus file transfer time. Moving to WP was about 10 zillion times easier than I expected it to be


- Mitch - said...

That's always good to know. I'm just finding the hardest part to be the selection of a theme. I really don't want to switch, then decide a week later that I don't like the theme, and change it again.