Tuesday, December 25, 2007

Entrecard Contest Finale - Link Lovin - Link Bait Stats

I think the Entrecard Contest turned out pretty well. Lets see what's happened. There a total of 90 entries from 24 different people. 14 new subscribers, though how many will stay I'm not sure of, and about 6 extra back links. Pretty swell link bait results for throwing a contest with free credits if I must say so myself. I think I should have done this AFTER I move to the new domain. Oh well it was a learning experience for me as it was the first contest this blog offered. When I do run a contest after the domain switch I'll run it with a cash prize so that people who aren't Entrecard users will be able to participate as well.

From the looks of the entries though most people didn't come back to comment about dropping their cards for more daily entries. I would have expected more of those participants than the ones who subscribed to the rss or e-mail. Also it seems like I still get around 50-60 card drops daily from Entrecard users. Of which only a small margin actually stopped to read the post about the Entrecard contest.

As promised here are the contestants that participated through out:

1 @ Movie Cat
5 @ Colin King Marketing
1 @ OpportunitySeeker
4 @ Masters of Seo
1 @ Mike Blogging Ads
3 @ Alan Broken Red Line
2 @ Nick Throlson
5 @ Reno Cyber Street Report
3 @ Erz Blog Paradise
6 @ My Blog Contest
1 @ Swan Premiere Software Reviews
5 @ Artur Kim Word Press Themes Gallery
5 @ Abhijeet Life is Colorful
5 @ Bird on a Wire
5 @ Michael Slightly Mordant
3 @ 30 Day Man
6 @ Allen Silkenhut's World
6 @ Egon Contest U
3 @ Ruchir TechnoMoney
1 @ Jamaipanese
6 @ mc2w is me Whatever I feel Like Bloging About
6 @ contest master Contest Time
1 @ katie Divinely Crafty
6 @ blog contest blog Expert Boss

Our 3 winners are

Third place with a roll of #11:
Masters of Seo winning 50 credits

Second place with a roll of 7:
Opportunity Seeker winning 100 credits

And last of all the winner of the Christmas Entrecard giveaway prize of 250 credits is:
Egon of Contest U

Grats to all 3 of you, and credits will be sent to you shortly after this post is completed. Thank you all, and have a safe Holiday today.

[Have posts e-mailed to you by signing up to Mitch at Money News]


Anonymous said...

Hey good successful contest man! Nice one - and thanks a lot for the link love!

Anonymous said...

Link Love is always welcomed!
